And the answer is…
1Susan once received an award from the Holloway Candy Company for her achievement in stretching a Slo Poke sucker to extreme lengths, earning her the coveted title of Super Sucker Stretcher.
TRUE – she has the letter to prove it.
2 Susan is the only one in her immediate family that cannot raise one eyebrow at a time. Not that she loses any sleep over it as she is certain this is not a skill that is necessary in her search for self-actualization.
TRUE – but she makes up for it in other vital areas like being able to curl her tongue.
3 Susan’s husband was late for their wedding due to a fishing trip that went awry. At least that was the excuse he offered, but she’s still wondering if this is the real reason or if it actually involved an intervention by aliens, as his face still takes on a greenish hue when the topic is brought up.
FALSE – he wasn’t actually late, but his timing still gave the bride something to worry about.
4On Susan’s first experience with self-tanners, most of the color washed off her legs from the knee down when she stepped into the river on a singles canoe trip. She is still searching for a plausible explanation for her two-toned color scheme.
TRUE – fortunately self-tanners have improved over the years so they now only leave you orange but don’t wash off.
5Susan has been known to be restroom-sign-impaired making for a very interesting travel experience. Details withheld to protect the innocent.
TRUE – But still the facts are better left unpublished.