Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #13
Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt!
If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes!
• The hunt BEGINS on 3/14 at noon MST with Stop #1.
• Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).
• There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 3/17 at midnight MST)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books and learn new things about them.
• Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the CLUE on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at the final stop, back on Lisa’s site. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!
Hi everyone! I’m Susan Sleeman, and I write romantic suspense books. I’m a mom of two amazing adult daughters and a grandmother of three boys who range from ages sixteen to ten months. Grandchildren are the most amazing blessing in the world, and I will stop right there as I could go on and on about how blessed I feel to have these children in my life. You can learn more about me, my crazy house remodeling journey, and all my books on my website and on Facebook, Bookbub, Twitter, and Instagram.
My latest release is COLD SILENCE. Here’s what it’s about:
When his country needs him…will he heed the call if it means seeing the woman who’d once broken his heart?
When Green Beret Travis Chapman is tasked with protecting a woman he’d once loved, he’d rather go AWOL than spend time with civilian researcher Claire Reed. But everything changes when he hears that the prototype and specs for the Army’s latest virtual training program are worthless without knowledge only Claire possesses. Despite their past, Travis won’t let anything happen to Claire and goes undercover to protect her. Can he convince Claire to rely on him to keep the training program out of the hands of subversive military groups and keep Claire alive?
As I wrote the theft of a prototype in Cold Silence, I had no clue that I would come face-to-face with the raw, terrifying emotions my characters experience in this book. “What happened?” you ask. Read on to find out.
I was home alone on a Saturday morning when a huge crash sounded on the other end of the house. What could it be? My heart didn’t care and kicked my pulse into high gear. I crept into the hallway to investigate. Our house is undergoing a major remodel, and we don’t have a door from the house to the garage right now. My hubby closes it with a sheet of plywood. I immediately saw that the plywood was on the floor.

Broken Gate
Behind the plywood is a layer of plastic and a heavy curtain to help keep out the cold. The plastic was moving, and a strong, cold breeze whisked into the room. Was the plastic simply moving because of the wind seeping under the garage door or was there someone in our garage?
I called out “hello” a couple of times. Silence! Someone scurried past the opening. Or did they? I have vision issues and wasn’t sure.
I yelled out, “I’m calling the police,” and rushed back to the office to barricade myself inside. I didn’t want to call the police on nothing so phoned my daughter who lives five minutes away, and her hubby came right over. He discovered that the garage door and gate were forced open. By that time I had gotten a hold of my hubby at work. He came home and investigated then called the police.

Burglar’s footprint on door
Wow! What an experience. The burglar managed to grab a few items before leaving. This was the first time I’ve ever been burgled. Right there. Broad daylight on a Saturday. The police didn’t catch him, of course. If this were one of my books I would call in the Cold Harbor Blackwell Tactical team to investigate. Or even my Veritas Center forensics experts from my Truth Seekers team. But this is real life so what we did do was reinforce the garage door jam, installed a locking gate mechanism, and installed our security cameras again. They’d been taken down due to siding replacement. Phew, am I glad that incident is over, and I pray I will never experience it again.
Here’s the Stop #13 Basics:
If you’re interested, you can order Cold Silence on Amazon or read in Kindle Unlimited
Clue to Write Down: endeavor,
Link to Stop #14, the Next Stop on the Loop: Tamera Alexander’s Site
But wait!
Before you go, I’m offering all EIGHT e-books in my Cold Harbor series to three winners. All you have to do is fill in the form below to sign up to get my e-newsletter. If you’re already a subscriber, you still need to fill in the form to be added to the contest list. Additional entry points for those who follow me as an author on Facebook, Bookbub, and Instagram.